H-Line Pressurisation Unit Installation – Salford
Looking to remove costly Expansion Vessels from your site?
The H-Line is a fantastic, dynamic solution to Pressurisation that removes traditional expansion vessels from your system.
This case study is a fantastic example as the existing installation was a standard Pressurisation Unit and 5no. 500 litre expansion vessels. For this site, this is 6no. assets which required maintaining annually and the expansion vessels would all require a Written Scheme of Examination.
Step forward the H-Line. The H-Line uses a Polyethylene expansion tank and is much more space efficient than traditional Pressurisation Units. In this instance, just 1no. 650 litre expansion tank replaced the 5no. expansion vessels. The pictures speak for themselves in terms of the sheer amount of space that can be saved. Coupled with the fact this University no longer has to maintain those 5no. expansion vessels and doesn’t need insurance inspections – making the H-Line a no brainer!
All works completed over 2-days, and it was completed in June once the heating system for the building had been shut down. To round off the installation, we installed a 1 ¼” RPZ Valve to provide supplementary CAT4 quick filling for this system after planned drain downs etc. So, interested in getting rid of the expansion vessels on your heating or chilled water system? Get in touch today to discuss how the H-Line can help you!