Knowsley – School H-Line Installs

We have been continuing our progress through a group of schools in Knowsley supplying and installing 2no. H-Line Units for their LTHW and CHW systems.

These Energy Centres are really quite tight on space and as per previous installs we are having to install 2no. units in the space where 1no. unit used to be as there used to be 1no. pressure unit feeding both the LTHW and CHW systems!

This was one of the tightest yet, as we were conscious we needed to keep enough space between our units and the heat pumps in the plantroom to allow for future maintenance of all plant. Short summary of the installation below:

• Bulk of the work completed on a Saturday due to interruption to LTHW and CHW systems plus main control panel for electrical works.
• Supply and installation of 2no. H-Line units, a 190-litre spill tank for the CHW system and 350 litre spill tank for the LTHW system.
• Installation of RPZ Valve for legal quick filling of both systems.
• Modification of all pipework in copper and copper press to separate the two systems.
• Installation of small buffer vessel for both units to aid system operating.
• Finished off with insulation and bracketry to complete the install.

Completed over 2-days this is another excellent install from our engineers Carl Rogerson, Antony Chesters, John Murphy and Ben Brown.