Lowara SMB Variable Speed Booster Set Installation – Leeds
Here at PressBoost Ltd we pride ourselves on our commitment to encouraging energy efficiency across all of the sites we work on. Therefore, where appropriate we look to promote the conversion of fixed speed booster sets to a modern equivalent variable speed booster set.
We have been quoting to replace this booster set (pictured) for a number of years now since we began servicing this site in Leeds, in 2015. When we found the unit it was unfortunately already heavily corroded, the chassis had rotted away so much over the years that when we came to remove it, it effectively collapsed! It appears the only thing holding the unit together was the suction and delivery headers.
The primary reason for replacement was due to the overall poor condition of the existing chassis, pumps and associated pipework. All 3 pumps were very noisy and 2 had been leaking for some time. In addition, a key factor was the set being obsolete and fixed speed. This fixed speed set was running at over 10 Bar and causing great strain on the associated pipework. Site recently contacted the management company which we sub-contract for and gave us the go ahead to replace the main cold water booster set. As you will see from the picture below, site have two identical units, one feeding the left hand side of the building and another feeding the right hand side of the building. At the present time, site have proceeded with the most urgent booster set; with a view to upgrade the second set in the future.

Existing 3-pump Pullen Hydropak Booster Set
Lowara SMB 3-pump Variable Speed Booster Set
The existing set was actually vastly oversized for the building. Fortunately, site were able to provide us with the building schematics and we were able to size the set again onto a more appropriate set. We were able to half the kW size of the pumps whilst maintaining a Duty/Assist/Standby arrangement and drop the pressure from 11 Bar to 7.5 Bar. This will create valuable energy savings for site, this coupled with the switch to a variable speed booster set; means site are going to see a real difference in energy usage from this set.

For this job we selected the Lowara SMB variable speed booster set, which from other posts of ours you might have read is one of the most energy efficient variable speed booster sets on the market. This is down to its IE5 rated permanent magnet motors and IES2 rated drives, which creates best in class efficiency. However, this is just one of the reason we chose the SMB unit for this job. The SMB also benefits from: 3 individually controlled pumps, 3 pump accumulator vessels and 3 pressure transducers. This creates vital redundancy and engineers out single points of failure; something we look to ensure at every opportunity as a service provider.
As you can see from the pictures above, the new unit utilises the tight existing space very well. To help achieve this we selected a standard vertical set from Lowara’s ‘R’ version range. The ‘R’ version is ideal for this type of installation location and the finished install is a fantastic; modern solution for site.
Going forward the aim is to replace the second booster set with an identical SMB unit to finish the upgrade off nicely. So keep a look out for a future blog for the second unit…
If you have a Cold Water Booster Set in need of repair or replacement, or are interested in converting a fixed speed set to a variable speed booster set; don’t hesitate to get in touch to arrange a free site survey.