This Pressurisation Unit at a site in Somerset was beyond economical repair. The pump was u/s, pump vessel u/s and system vessel was u/s. The system vessel was also under sized. As you can see from the picture below, the pressure unit was completely inaccessible from a maintenance point of view and was consequently relocated as a matter of course.





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We installed a wall mounted PressBoost AutoPress to replace the faulty unit and positioned lower down to facilitate access. The AutoPress has analogue controls which were chosen as this is a pool plant room with quite a damp atmosphere and digital controls would have suffered in this environment. Due to the size of the boilers, the previous expansion vessel was considerably undersized (60 litre), therefore, we installed a 200 litre expansion vessel and modified the pipework to allow installation of the vessel in an accessible location to enable service and maintenance, complete with the necessary isolation, drain and safety valves.