This ageing and obsolete transfer set at a site in Salford was in need of updating and the site were keen to change the unit to variable speed,  due to the significant energy savings this option provides. PressBoost cut and capped the pipework feeding the roof tanks which were then drained and decommissioned and converted the building to a pressurised water supply. The existing supply tank in the basement was also over 25 years old and in need of replacement as well as the pump set. Therefore, PressBoost worked in conjunction with site, to extend the concrete pillars you can see in the before picture, to facilitate the installation of a larger, fully By-law 30 compliant sectional tank. The new skid mounted Lowara GHV series booster unit comes complete with 3 pumps, 3 transducers and 3 accumulator vessels each with individual isolation and drain valves to facilitate service and maintenance. As you can see from the pictures below, the new tank gives the building increased volume, while the new Booster unit is fail safe, thus it offers much more reliability and will provide the building with significant energy savings as a result of the inverter control.


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