Expansion vessels when installed into a pressurised water system, irrespective of the application, are critical to the good operation of that system. An expansion vessel specifically designed to accept the expanded volume of a heating system, the gas charge in these vessels is critical to the continued good operation of that system.
Therefore regular drain, test and recharging of these vessels is essential, to this end an in-depth understanding of a particular vessels mode of operation and thus the ability to calculate the correct charge required for said vessel is an integral part of a “competent engineers” skill set.
PressBoost carry an extensive range of pressure vessels to 10 bar working pressure, in stock from 2-500 litres (all other sizes and pressure ratings are available, most on overnight delivery) and all of our engineers have the necessary skill and experience to install and correctly set these vessels up to work at peak efficiency on any type of pressurised system, whether LPHW, CHW, or Runaround circuits to name a few. For advice with regards to Heating or Potable applications and pressure range implications please feel free to contact our technical department.