Obsolete Fixed Speed Booster Set Replacement

Below is a satisfying job to finally see come to fruition. We have been quoting the below set as urgently requiring replacement for almost 10-years!

We first picked up the maintenance of this booster set at a holiday park in Suffolk in 2014, at which point we found a very old fixed speed booster set, running 24/7 and with lots of non-potable fittings.

However, for one reason or another this set has never been replaced. Three years ago, one pump failed and so it has been down to 1-pump since. This set has run 24/7 for the last 9-years that we know of and if you couple it with the fact they were 5.5kW pumps; this was some serious energy usage.

Thankfully, the time arrived and we were given the go ahead to replace the existing pumps in late 2023.

The old pumps were oversized given the set was only feeding approximately 110 chalets. Therefore, we replaced it with a 3-pump @XylemUK SMB set sized Duty/Assist/Standby. The new SMB pumps are only 1.5kW, a dramatic reduction! This along with the switch to variable speed provided a payback period for the entire project of less than 1-year.

We modified the electrical supply and replaced large amounts of the cast pipework, utilising the existing space and all completed during a planned shut down when the site was closed.

A fantastic job from our engineers Antony Chesters, Kieran Sheilds and Adam Brown with a very happy site thanks to this considerable upgrade.


