This large hotel in Llandudno had an F&E tank in the roof feeding the heating system, however, they were having a number of issues with this method of operation, primarily they were struggling with poor flow which was causing severe disruption to the heating system. As a result PressBoost installed a Lowara Presfix Beta MKII (high output) pressurisation unit and after calculating the expansion the site required 4 x 300 litre expansion vessels. The Presfix Beta comes complete with 2 pump, pump vessel, digital controls and is fully enclosed (see picture below). By pressurising the system PressBoost removed the pressure issues the site were having with the F&E system and as a result removed the disruption to the heating system.



PressBoost Install:


If you have any queries about the possibility of an F&E conversion, PressBoost can calculate the demands of your system and therefore calculate the necessary expansion, for further information please fill out a ‘quick enquiry’ form today.