This site in Wigan, pictured below, had been having a number of problems with their fixed speed Booster Unit. This Booster feeds a large residential building and as such it is critical that it is kept in optimum condition. The existing unit was ageing and had a multiplicity of issues including: Jockey pump n0n-return valve U/S, No 2 pump stack had a pinhole leak and as such needed repair or replacement ASAP, controls for No 3 pump U/S and pump vessel U/S. In any configuration only one pump could run on this unit, as a result, repair works to restore the unit to full working order would have been considerable. Therefore, PressBoost quoted to replace the unit, while converting the unit from fixed speed to variable speed. Due to the size of these pumps the energy savings would be considerable when swapping from fixed to variable speed. We calculated energy savings of around 30{546ee268ce7713d2b6d4f6ff974fadd45b4c551b6f43a7e80340ad9a7da26c27} at this site would be £2,100 per annum, however, when we have done these installs at other sites we have seen savings of 55{546ee268ce7713d2b6d4f6ff974fadd45b4c551b6f43a7e80340ad9a7da26c27} per annum so this figure could be significantly more! Furthermore, with the one pump running on constant for quite some time, energy usage would have been vastly increased prior to PressBoost installing the new unit.

As you can see from the pictures below, the existing booster was fixed speed, all plastic pipework, most controls U/S and all 3 pumps were running noisy due to age/bearings. We installed a new 3 pump Lowara unit with each pump having its own Hydrovar, individual isolation valve, individual accumulator vessel and individual transducer making the unit completely fail safe. We also replaced the existing plastic pipework with copper and modified the electrics to suit. We can size any make and model of Booster Unit, if you have any issues with your pressure or booster equipment call us now on 0161 798 5872 or alternatively fill in a ‘quick enquiry’ form today. Furthermore, if you have a fixed speed booster and are interested in the variable speed option, we have multiple options available and can quickly carry out an energy savings calculation for you.

Before:                                    After: 


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